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Prayers in the morning set the tone for the day ahead. If you pray before you even get out of bed in the morning, you’re acknowledging God’s presence in your life and asking for His guidance throughout the day.
When you begin your day this way, you can remain mindful throughout the day that God is with you and working through you as you go about your day.
Praying in the morning as part of your routine also tunes us to his wisdom. The Bible says that those who seek find (Matthew 7:7).
When we choose to seek after God, we find Him—and sometimes His wisdom for our lives comes with that finding.
Prayers in the morning serve as the doorway to a deeper relationship with God. It leads toward a pathway of higher consciousness that helps you to face your daily challenges with a sense of optimism, courage, and faithful expectation.
"Don't forget to pray today because God did not forget to wake you up this morning." -Oswald Chambers
7 Powerful Morning Prayers
1. Loving God, I thank You for the night. I thank You for this new day.
Bless me on this new day with a quiet and peaceful heart.
Help me make moral decisions today.
Help me be kind and loving to others.
Loving God, give me the strength to face the day with joy, peace and acceptance, come what may.
2. Dear Lord, I thank You for a new day. I thank You for the opportunity to live and to love and be loved.
I thank You for the beauty of this world that You have created. I thank You for all my blessings, both big and small.
Help me make today a great day by showing Your love to others, by serving others, by lifting others, and by bringing a smile to their face.
Please use me as Your vessel today to bring glory to Your name.
3. God, your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Your Word is a treasure more precious than silver, than pure gold!
It brings me glorious reward and yields the sweetest harvest.
In this new day, let me hear Your voice clearly as you reveal Yourself to me through your Scripture. Let it cause me to turn from my sin and guide me in Your paths of righteousness.
As I read, I pray the truth of who You are would be confirmed in my mind and that the truth of who I am in Christ will be confirmed in my heart.
Root out anything within me that contradicts Your Word. Illuminate every dark corner of my soul with Your truth.
4. Dear God, thank You for the blessing of another day. You are the source of life, and I thank You for your grace and strength to start another day.
Help me trust in Your plan and purpose today as I go about my activities. Give me wisdom to know what to do and how to do it,
5. Dear God, thank You for awakening me to this new day. Thank You for the breath in my lungs and the strength in my body.
As I awake to Your presence, guide my thoughts and actions today so that they are pleasing to You.
I ask You to help me live a life worthy of Your calling.
6. Dear Lord, on this beautiful morning, I give thanks for a brand, new day. Thank You for the gift of life and health.
Help me not to take things for granted but remind myself that each day is a gift from You.
Help me put my trust in You and not myself. Let me be mindful of my thoughts that may lead me astray from Your will.
7. Dear Lord, thank You for waking me up this morning with a sense of renewed hope and enthusiasm for another day on earth.
Help me not to give up so easily when challenges arise but strengthen me with Your grace instead.
Teach me patience and perseverance when faced with difficulty so that I may learn from each experience in life.
May I glorify Your name through all that I say and do today.
7 Additional Morning Prayers Before Work
1. Lord, I come before You this morning with praise on my lips and gratitude in my heart.
I lift my hands in worship as I think about how good You are to me and how much You love me.
I thank You because I can count on You to be there with me every step of the way through all the trials and triumphs at work that I will face today.
2. Lord, I know You are with me all day long and that You will guide my words and actions today.
As I go through my day, I pray You will give me wisdom. Help me choose my words carefully, to listen with compassion and respond graciously.
Let me not be led by emotion or pride, but by love and humility.
Give me the discernment to know when it is time to speak up and when it is time to sit back and listen.
Help me give advice only when asked, but always encourage others in their work.
3. As this wonderful morning welcomes me, I pray You help me remember work is holy and my job matters. It is not just a way for me to pay bills or get ahead in life; rather, it is a blessing from Your hand.
And so, I will do all my work as if I am working for You alone, for I know I am.
4. I pray for those I will work with today—colleagues, clients, bosses—that You will help us all work well together.
May we lay aside our differences and unite as a team for the sake of Your kingdom and glory.
Give us patience with each other and grace toward one another as we work through our differences in opinion.
May we come together as a loving, united force that works synergistically to fulfill our purpose.
5. Lord, help me realize that it is not the job itself that I do, but my attitude toward it that matters most.
Help me do my work with joy and gladness, knowing that by doing so I am serving You.
Help me see opportunities in every problem; help me see problems as challenges. In my workplace where there are many difficulties and problems help me look at each difficulty as an opportunity for improvement.
Help me, Lord, to give my best always because You deserve no less than the best from Your creation.
6. Lord, my God, I thank You for giving me the grace to work and earn a living.
I ask You to bless my work and the work of all who are working today.
May we work in a spirit of cooperation, mutual respect, devotion, and peace; granted that we may make use of our talents in building up Your kingdom here on earth.
I offer my day's activities to You so that it may help me grow in faith and love.
7. Heavenly Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, thank You for the privilege to work, to earn a living, to be a provider.
Thank You for the opportunity to bring Your provision to my home and family.
Help me be patient with those who are difficult to deal with at work today. Open the eyes of my heart so that I can see them through Your eyes and show them Your love in all that I say and do today.
7 Morning Prayers for Friends
1. Dear God, I ask You in this morning prayer to bless my friends with Your love and light as they go through their day.
Bring peace to their heart and comfort in times of sorrow. Guide them as they work and play, so that they may be fulfilled and happy wherever they may be.
2. I pray for my friends to have a blessed morning. Please help them remember that even though things might be bad right now, at this very moment in time, it will get better if they just believe in You and stay focused on their goals in life.
Help them remember that there is something greater waiting for them when their time here is over if they just continue believing in You and follow the path You have set out.
Bless their day with revelation.
3. Dear Lord, I pray for my friend as she sets out on her day. I pray You will meet her at every turn and every corner.
May she find Your grace in the mundane, peace in the chaos, and joy in sorrow.
Keep her safe, protect her mind and body from all harm.
May she find rest in the moments of weariness and strength in moments of weakness.
I pray You will speak to her as she goes about her day. Let Your voice be clear and present, showing her the way forward.
Remind her that You are with her always, and that nothing can separate her from Your love.
4. Dear Father, please give my friend the strength and power she needs to face this day.
Please help her make all the right decisions today and have a day free from worry.
Please keep her safe from harm and danger.
Please watch over her throughout the day and night.
Please give her the energy she needs to go about her daily tasks.
Please let today be a good day for her, help her have a smile on her face and laughter in her heart.
5. Dear Heavenly Father, I'm dedicating this short morning prayer to my loving friends. May my friends be blessed with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love, and the sharing of good cheer.
May they be reminded of Your amazing grace and love toward them. Help them to walk in truth today and every day.
6. Good morning, Lord. I come to You today and thank You for this day. I ask for Your help, on behalf of my friends, in everything they do.
God, today I pray for my friends' emotional health, physical health and spiritual growth. Thank you, Lord.
I pray they will always find joy in life and move forward in the face of trouble and adversity.
Please give them peace in their lives and a sense of purpose that is only possible through Your grace and love.
7. Dear Lord, I pray You will guard my friend's mind from harmful instruction and temptation. Grant her discernment to recognize truth.
I pray she may be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
I ask that You give her strength today to serve You with a willing spirit. I pray she will not grow weary in doing good, but continue to be fervent in spirit, serving You.
I pray she will be strengthened with all power and endurance according to Your glorious might.
I pray You will fill her heart with songs of praise and thanksgiving this morning and that her cup will overflow with joy!
I ask that You cleanse her heart by the washing of Your word so that she may be a fruitful branch in Your vineyard today.
Short Morning Prayer for Those Experiencing Fear and Worry
Dear Lord, I know You are with me, but sometimes I wonder where You are and what You're doing.
When life is hard and my faith is tested, when I don't understand or feel like I can't go on, be near me. Show me Your love in a way that helps me to know You hear me. Help me feel Your presence in tangible ways.
As I'm now awake, sharpen my eyes to see Your beauty in the world around me.
I surrender all of my fear and worry to You today. It is hard for me to do this at times, but I know it is the best thing for me to do.
Help me trust in Your plan for my life and to follow your purpose for me.
Let everything I do today be done to glorify Your name and bring glory to You alone.
Short Poetic Morning Prayer
Dear God,
I want to start my day with you,
I want to feel your presence here.
I want to know You are near,
And that You'll stay with me all day.
I ask Your help in all that I do,
And pray that I will serve You well.
I ask your guidance when I stray,
Help me walk the path of light.
“A day without prayer is a day without blessing, and a life without prayer is a life without power.” – Edwin Harvey
21 Short Yet Motivating and Comforting Prayer Points
Prayer points are the messages you are trying to convey to God. They are the points that you want God to hear, hoping He will intervene in a way you desire.
Think of it this way:
Prayers in the morning begin the conversation with God. Prayer points are how you keep the conversation going.
When you pray, you should have in mind the things you want God to do for you or to do through you. These are your prayer points. They are the things you would like God to address during your prayer time.
Your prayer points can be based on the needs of others, the needs of yourself, or simply your praise and worship of God.
The important thing is that your prayer points focus on God and what He has done for you, and what He can still do for you.
Here are the main points of prayer:
Worship & Praise
You should always spend some time praising and worshipping God before asking Him to do anything else in your life. He loves to hear it!
Gratitude & Thanksgiving
When approaching God, be sure to thank Him for what He has already done for you. Don't make the mistake of only thanking Him after He answers your prayers!
Confession & Humility
Admit to God any areas in which you have fallen short in terms of His Word and His will for your life.
Examples of Prayer Point Topics
- Thank God for what He has done.
- Confess your sins to God and ask for forgiveness. This also includes asking for forgiveness from people you have offended and doing what you need to do to make things right with them, too.
- Pray for the needs of others, including any specific prayer requests that have been shared with you.
- Pray for your own needs, wants, desires, etc.
- Pray for all healing to take place in circumstances where there is pain and misery.
Notice the (bullet) points in front of the general prayer topics above. This is an easy way to remember why they're called "prayer points."
The following are 21 prayers to reflect prayer points in action. You may incorporate any of these actual prayers in your own repertoire of morning prayers.
I thank You for Your abounding love this morning and throughout the day.
I so much appreciate You for all the blessings that I have received from You.
You are my provider, protector, healer, and deliverer.
I decree and declare that all my prayers are answered today, starting from this morning to the end of the day.
Your blessings are shining upon me, my family and friends today.
I decree that we receive miracles from Heaven in Jesus's name.
Father, I thank you for loving me with an everlasting love. And because of that love, You are working everything out for my good!
On the start of this blessed day, guide me by Your Spirit, Lord. Let me hear from You clearly in all I do.
We magnify You Lord, we extol You and we glorify Your name forevermore.
Thank you for your answers to our prayers and for the fulfilment of your promises in our lives.
Father, in the name of Jesus, let all delayed blessings be released to me now, starting this morning.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the power and privilege of this morning's prayer. May today be peaceful, joyful and beautiful.
I thank You for the gift of life, for every moment spent in Your presence, and for giving me Your word as my guide.
Dear God, we come to You today in prayer. We call on Your Holy Name in this time of need. We ask for healing of the world that has been stricken by disease, hate, and war.
We confess that faith is hard sometimes as we see more sickness, more death, and more fear around us. Help us keep our focus on You and lean into Your strength as we face these challenges together.
Father, I thank you for the grace to wake up in good health today. Please let me follow a healthy lifestyle and cultivate a holistic personality.
I decree and declare that today will be a day of victory, success, and blessings in Jesus's name.
Good morning, God! You are Great! You are faithful! You always see me through.
O' God, please open the gates of Heaven to me when I get up. When I fall down in the middle of my daily activities, shower me with your shrouds of mercy and forgiveness.
Dear God, I rise early in the morning and cry out throughout the day. Listen to my prayer, because of your unfailing love; answer me in the way I want.
Thank You for everything today. Thank you for my family and my home. Thank you for food and water. Thank you for helping me to be strong and healthy.
Summary of Prayer Points
Prayer points are sentences that emphasize a specific topic or situation to God. You may have heard them called declarations, confessions, affirmations, or decrees.
They can be meaningful words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that you choose for yourself.
Prayer points don't have to be biblical verses, or you may prefer to use direct passages from the Bible.
They can help you focus on a particular area of your life that needs change.
For example, if you're feeling uninspired about your work, you might choose prayer points related to motivation and inspiration.
If you're trying to get over a breakup in your relationship with someone, prayer points could help you let go of the past and move forward with your life.
As another example, if a person is battling physical or mental illness, they may recite prayers as part of their treatment regimen.
You can write your own prayer points based on what's going on in your life.
One last point about prayer points: You don't have to be Christian to recite prayer points or be affiliated with any religion.
A strong sense of spirituality may motivate you to use them, especially when you need them most.
Prayers in the Morning - Final Words
"Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of Containing God's gift of himself." - Mother Theresa
What a privilege it is to talk with the Creator of the universe! He wants to hear from us and desires to speak to us.
What better way to start our day than by praying to God?
Prayer is a conversation with our loving Heavenly Father. It can be about anything.
We can talk to Him about our problems, our needs, things that worry us and things that make us happy.
We can also thank Him for all that He has given us, including our salvation through Jesus Christ.
The Bible gives us many examples of prayers in both the Old Testament and New Testament. You can find prayers for health, healing prayers, prayers for families, prayer for protection, and many more.
Besides praying on your own, you can also join others in prayer through live or recorded prayer calls or prayer meetings at churches, other places of worship, or anywhere.
You can find inspiration in Christian quotes (or quotes from any other religion).
Morning prayer is the perfect way to focus your time and attention on seeking Gods' plan for the day ahead.
The benefits of a daily morning prayer session are many, including the ability to take control of your day instead of feeling like things are happening to you.
By praying in the morning, you will feel God's presence throughout your day ... and there's no better presence!
Say or think your prayers in the morning, and your day and life itself will be enriched.